Infographic Round Up

Infographic Round Up

Cool-Down Friday — Modernization Readiness Boot Camp Ask our experts about starting your software modernization. Today's Friday Cool Down, as part of the Modernization Readiness Boot Camp, delivers a series of recent digital transformation infographics. Take a few...

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Content vs. Data [WHITEPAPER]

Content vs. Data [WHITEPAPER]

Drawing distinctions between monolithic and modern architecture for digital disruption. Modern applications focus on the end user, the user experience, and the graphical experience of interacting with the enterprise. Modern applications accomplish all of this while effectively communicating the organization’s brand, style, and identity.

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Content vs. Data [WHITEPAPER]

Content vs. Data [WHITEPAPER]

Market Share Wednesday — Modernization Readiness Boot Camp Ready to start your digital transformation? Drawing distinctions between monolithic and modern architecture for digital disruption. For today’s Market Share Wednesday, as part of the Modernization Readiness...

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Crushing the Concerns of Agile

Crushing the Concerns of Agile

Agile Tuesday — Modernization Readiness Boot CampTake the Modernization Readiness Boot Camp For today's Agile Tuesday as part of the Modernization Readiness Boot Camp, has your leadership team expressed one of these common concerns about agile projects? Use these...

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How Well Do You Know Your Legacy System?

How Well Do You Know Your Legacy System?

Today’s Monday Jump Start is an important one. How well do you know your legacy systems? Good documentation can stop your problems before they begin. Use this easy checklist quiz from the Modernization Readiness Boot Camp to determine the status of your legacy system documentation.

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How Well Do You Know Your Legacy System?

How Well Do You Know Your Legacy System? [CHECKLIST]

Jump Start Monday — Modernization Readiness Boot CampDocumentation can stop your problems before they begin. Adequately documented system and applications prevent your organization from losing time and revenue. Good documentation not only prepares your team to prevent...

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Infographic Round Up

Modernization Advice Round-Up

For this Friday Cool Down as part of the Modernization Readiness Boot Camp, we asked our team members at PITSS, “what is the one piece of advice you would give a company looking to start a software modernization project?” Here are some of their best answers.

From project management to marketing, there’s something for everyone in this expert round up.

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Getting Down to Business: Transform Your IT Systems… And Your Organization

Comparing Oracle Forms Replacement Options

Sign up to receive immediate access to the whitepaper. For more than 20 years, Oracle Forms has been an early RAD (Rapid Application Development) tool for Oracle databases. Because of the ease and popularity of the technology, Oracle Forms has amassed a large customer...

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How Well Do You Know Your Legacy System?

Modernization Readiness Worksheet

Jump Start Monday — Modernization Readiness Boot CampFind out more by signing up for our worksheet. Enterprise applications are the heart of an organization. They manage everything including operations, supply chain, human resources, and other crucial functions of the...

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Infographic Round Up

Modernization Headline Round-Up

Welcome to the Friday Cool Down. As part of the Modernization Readiness Boot Camp, Friday Cool Downs focus on reflection, industry news, and expert advice. Take a few minutes to read some curated reports and headlines from important developments in modernization over the past few weeks.

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