What is considered good user experience in enterprise software?

Enterprise Software UX: What is considered good user experience? Good design and easy operation are an integral part of our lives. Both in devices we use daily as well as in software, a successful user experience has become established as an important success factor....

Why Oracle Forms Migration?

Why Oracle Forms Migration? Many organizations using older versions of Oracle Forms are overlooking more functionality, better convenience and lower maintenance costs. With more organizations favoring web and service-oriented architecture, lone Oracle Forms...

Migrating to BI Publisher [FAQ]

Migrating to BI Publisher [FAQ]Looking for a new migration option for Oracle Reports? Want to know when the next Oracle Reports article is published? Sign up now BI Publisher is an attractive replacement option for Oracle Reports if your enterprise is looking to stay...

How to Improve Business Processes with Code Analysis

How to Improve Business Processes with Code Analysis Get immediate access to our Business Process Improvement series. Sign up now In our first blog of this series, we discussed what business processes are affected by application inefficiencies like poor workflows,...