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[Webcast] Move & Improve Oracle Forms

[Webcast] Move & Improve Oracle Forms

[Webcast] Move & Improve Oracle Forms Upgrade to the current version 12cOctober 21, 2020  |  02:00 – 03:00 p.m. EDTUPGRADE YOUR FORMS SKILFULLY Surely you rely on a long standing, stable Oracle Forms environment. Are these applications successfully supporting your...

Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls [EBOOK]

Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls [EBOOK]

In the last decade, the way that we develop software has shifted dramatically. The long term development of monolithic applications with annual release cycles has given way to rapid developments and deployments broken down into smaller, manageable sprints. So how do we use the agile methodology to avoid ultimate project failure? What if a project using the traditional waterfall methodology is already on its way to failure? Can we save it using agile?

Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls [EBOOK]

Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls – How Agile Development Can Avoid or Salvage Project Failure [EBOOK]

In the last decade, the way that we develop software has shifted dramatically. The long term development of monolithic applications with annual release cycles has given way to rapid developments and deployments broken down into smaller, manageable sprints. So how do we use the agile methodology to avoid ultimate project failure? What if a project using the traditional waterfall methodology is already on its way to failure? Can we save it using agile? This ebook will help answer some of these questions, discuss the benefits of agile over waterfall development, and provide advice for what to do when met with the possibility of failure.

[Webcast] Oracle APEX 21.1 New Features & how to get

[Webcast] Oracle APEX 21.1 New Features & how to get

[Webcast] Oracle APEX 21.1 New Features & how to get them Live webcasts with special guests Monica Godoy, Jayson Hanes and Dimitri GielisJuly 14 & 21, 2021 | 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. EDTGreat Features, best practices and the migration Oracle APEX is the world's most...

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Uta Daniels
Assistant of Sales Management
+49 711/914-012-12