Why AngularJS and Jet Are Popular Front-End Technologies Forms Modernization

Sign up to view our latest webinar on ADF and other Java alternatives.

In our recent webinar on options for Forms and Java, we asked attendees what technology they saw in their future.

30% of attendees saw themselves migrating their Forms applications to ADF. Here is a great article that highlights to benefits and advantages of migrating Forms to ADF technology.

One of the options with the most responses was AngularJS/Jet. With 45% of attendees indicating they plan to use AngularJS or Jet for the future of their Oracle Forms applications, what are the benefits of these options?

What technology do you see in your future?

  • ADF 30% 30%
  • APEX 35% 35%
  • Spring 30% 30%
  • JSF / Primefaces 20% 20%
  • AngularJS / Jet 45% 45%
  • Vaadin 5% 5%
  • Stay with Forms 15% 15%
  • Not sure yet 25% 25%

What is AngularJS?

According to Oracle, AngularJS is “a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly. AngularJS’s data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write. And it all happens within the browser, making it an ideal partner with any server technology.”

AngularJS is an open-source framework maintained by both an active developer community and by Google. This framework addresses several challenges of developing single-page applications.

Why AngularJS for Oracle Forms Modernization?

This framework enables you to apply modern development practices more than other heavier server side apps. Designed with modern best practices in mind such as scalable deployments and devops-style automation with unit testing and code coverage analysis, AngularJS a great choice for almost any legacy modernization or digital transformation project.

AngularJS delegates business logic to the server. Because most business logic extraction for Forms modernization migrate business logic to the database, using AngularJS for Forms allows you to preserve your existing business logic without needing to re-write it. This makes it a good choice for Oracle Forms because we don’t have to re-write the business logic and the front-end can still consume it.

At PITSS, AngularJS is one of our go-to front-end technologies. We’ve invested in training our team members so that we can use AngularJS for many of our top projects and customers.

The advantages of AngularJS are:

Industry Standard

Bigger Talent Pool


Fewer Code Errors

Fast and Flexible


Cleaner, Easier to Understand Code

Improved App Performance

Open Source Technology

Community and Google Supported

What is Oracle Jet?

According to Oracle’s website, Oracle JET is for “intermediate to advanced JavaScript developers working on client-side applications.”

Jet is a collection of open source and official Oracle-contributed JavaScript libraries. These standardized libraries make it easier to build applications that interact with Oracle products and services.

Why Jet for Oracle Forms Modernization?

If users rapidly want to reproduce the UI they had with their Forms application, they will find many corresponding components with Jet. This is also possible with other JS frameworks, but Oracle is invested in sharing their UI philosophy, methodology, and components within the Jet framework. Many Oracle developers appreciate this commitment.

The advantages of Oracle Jet are:

JavaScript Development Toolkit

Open-Source and Oracle-Supported

Accessibility and Mobile Support

Location and Language Support

Oracle ADF and Other Alternatives for Java

In this webinar, PITSS and Oracle’s Director of Product Management compare several frameworks for Java Enterprise applications.

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