Use Case Analysis Jump Start

See first-hand how easy it can be to modernize your critical legacy applications.

The Jump Start Advantage

When you partner with PITSS on a Use Case Analysis Jump Start, we will perform our Use Case Analysis on one primary business process. This is focused around a single customized Form and any supporting Forms, giving you a miniature look at our full modernization methodology. Once we’ve extracted the important business logic, then we’ll provide a full view of the next steps we can take to fully modernize the business-critical processes that matter most to your organization.


According to a yearly report by the Standish Group, 64 percent of the features in an average enterprise application are designated either “rarely” or “never” used.

Benefits of the Jump Start Program

The Standish Group’s 2015 Chaos report revealed that 66% of technology projects end in partial or total failure. These statistics have held steady for the last five years, the report shows. Our Use Case Analysis Jump Start program can help your organization break away from the cycle of IT project failure by providing a solid project foundation, lowering risks, and demonstrating the value of analyzing your legacy code.

  • 66% 66%

Lowers Overall Risks


Minimizes Setup Time

Demonstrates Value

Our Use Case Analysis Jump Start will provide:


Unused Code Report


Code Quality Assessment


Assessment of Effort Needed to Move to Other Technologies


Metrics for Complexity and Maintanability


And more!

What We Offer

The PITSS Use Case Analysis Jump Start program is designed to help you begin a modernization project with PITSS quickly and easily. Our team of expert architects will use our code analysis tools and proven methodology to extract the critical business logic from one of your business processes. The results include an architectural review, operational readiness assessment, quick win chart, and knowledge share. When we’ve completed your Jump Start, your organization will gain valuable experience, insight into your modernization project, and demonstrated value from a partnership with PITSS.

The Building Blocks to Modernization

Beginning a modernization project for your legacy Oracle applications can be daunting. Your organization is no doubt concerned about risks due to uncertainty of scope, lack of skills and expertise, and of course the question of budget. By leveraging our Use Case Analysis Jump Start program results, we kickstart your modernization with a quick win, establishing a strong foundation for the future of your total enterprise transformation. The Use Case Analysis Jump Start helps you achieve a solid foundation for success.

Why Work with PITSS?

PITSS has the years of experience of performing legacy application modernizations on a global scale. The team will guide you along every step of your project, beginning with the Jump Start through a full roadmap. As your business processes scale in both size and complexity, our team has the knowledge and expertise needed to steer you in the right direction. Partner with us from the beginning to see how simple it can be to take your organization’s legacy applications to the next level.

Customer Tasks and Prerequisites


Collaborate with our team to complete the Use Case Analysis Jump Start first steps and installation.


Make the agreed upon Forms-dependent business processes available and accessible to the PITSS architect


Ensure that the entire Jump Start process complies with your enterprise's security policies and regulations

Out of Scope

  • Forms flow
  • Redundancies
  • Full use case analysis
  • Global variables
  • Dependencies from database or libraries

For More Information

This document does not constitute an offer. For more information
about our Use Case Analysis Jump Start program, please fill out the contact form and one of our representatives will reach out.

Contact us now to begin your Use Case Analysis Jump Start.

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