Nov 15, 2013 | Forms, Install / Config, Reports, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
1. About Log Rotation Log rotation is the process of generating new log files and adding a timestamp to older log files. This helps prevent a log file from growing too large. Log rotation can either be done when a log file gets to a certain size, after a certain...Oct 18, 2013 | Forms, Reports, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
Updated: July 2, 2014 For Forms versions,, and, if you installed the WebLogic and Forms environment using JDK 7 (NOTE: JDK 7 is not supported with Forms, if you attempt to make any modifications of any OHS configuration...May 24, 2013 | Forms, Reports, Resolve Issues, Windows
Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) can be used as a load balancer between two Oracle Forms and Reports environments. One of our customers had run into a error when using JRE 7 when logging into the Oracle Forms application. They were receiving the following error: “FRM-93618:...Apr 18, 2013 | Access Management, Install / Config, Unix / Linux, WebLogic
Oracle Access Manager (OAM) 11g Prerequisites for Solaris 1. Minimum System Requirements 1.1. Supported Operating Systems 1.1.1. Solaris 10 Update 9+ SPARC 1.1.2. Solaris 11 SPARC: All levels supported 1.1.3. Solaris 10 Update 9+ 64-bit 1.1.4. Solaris 11...Oct 26, 2012 | Forms, Reports, Resolve Issues, WebLogic, Windows
In some Forms and Reports 11gR2 installations, the opmn.exe process may progressively continue to use more memory. If this issue is being experienced, monitor the opmn.exe process in Task Manager for about 1-2 weeks. If you notice that the amount of memory usage has...