Apr 9, 2014 | Forms, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
Normally in Enterprise Manager for Forms, you are able to associate and disassociate your Oracle Forms environment to/from OID. However, if OID is no longer there like in a situation where OID was deinstalled, you will be presented with the following error when you...Mar 25, 2014 | Forms, Install / Config, Reports, Resolve Issues, Windows
When running the Oracle Forms 11gR2 ( Patchset Upgrade to upgrade an older version of Oracle Forms 11gR2 ( or in Windows, there is a random possibility that the following error may be encountered about halfway through the upgrade:...Mar 20, 2014 | Forms, Reports, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, Windows
In order to run your Oracle Forms application utilizing the WebUtil functionality, the Forms and Reports environment must be properly set up: 1. You must use the webutil.olb and webutil.pll that came with the Forms install. You should NOT copy any versions from other...Feb 26, 2014 | Forms, Install / Config, Reports, Unix / Linux, Windows
How to Map tnsnames.ora to a Different Location for Forms and Reports By default in every Oracle Forms and Reports 11g (and 11gR2) deployment, the application(s) look for the TNS connection details inside the tnsnames.ora location in %ORACLE_INSTANCE%config...Feb 5, 2014 | Forms, Reports, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, Windows
Configuring JVM Controllers for generating PDF reports from Oracle Forms is definitely recommended for optimizing system resources. However, if you are trying to generate PDF reports when using the WebUtil functionality, the WebUtil jar file (signed and provided by...