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Oracle Forms2APEX
Live Experience

Get the APEX feeling for your Oracle Forms


attend this workshop?

Experience your Oracle Forms Application in APEX. Get to know APEX as your new technology for a strong business critical application.

Discover the ease of this technology, how you can transfer parts of your application or improve and modernize it with new features.


is this workshop for?

You think about or you already decided to move your Oracle Forms to APEX? But you don’t know what your Forms look like in APEX?

Are you looking for technical certainty, the right approach and the necessary know-how for your modernization project? If any of these points apply to you, you‘ve come to the right place!


out of the workshop
  • Insights, security and opportunities with APEX
  • Approved Forms-to-APEX Method and project examples
  • Decision criteria for modernization
  • Results & documents

Workshop schedule

Kick Off with the team

Overview of the workshop objectives and schedule; get the APEX functional scope at a glance and advantages of APEX over Forms

Interviews with the team

It is about topics such as: how the current application works and runs, expectation of target application, team experience

Technical installation

Setup of the PITSS.CON Product Suite; loading and parsing of your sources

Technical preparation

Analysis of your dedicated Forms module; optimal entry into the Forms to APEX migration with application flow of your Forms modules, dead code, BL2DB evaluation, redundancies, etc

Live migration

Best practice migration method; your Forms to APEX modernization of dedicated Form incl. hands on workshop with live cases; target variations of the Forms to APEX migration

Result presentation

Wrap up and summary, documentation, comparison before & after, discussion and next steps

Your giveaways & documentation

  • Overview of your Forms application: Forms flow
  • Key findings and considerations for deadcode, redundancy
  • Key findings and recommendation for BL2DB
  • Your migrated Forms Module in APEX
  • Efforts, Challenges and consideration
  • Time and cost savings during migration

Duration: 5 days

Your options after this workshop?


Together with you, we select the right cluster of your application, transform it to APEX and bring it into real operation.


With this option, you realize your modernization project yourself with the PITSS.CON Product Forms-2-APEX Modeler. Including comprehensive training, of course.


Get detailed information in advance. For decision-makers, purchasers, users and technicians. All about project effort, duration and costs, including


The PITSS approach to a perfect migration is the PITSS modernization process and the use of PITSS products to automate as much as possible during a migration. PITSS has more than two decades of expertise and experience in modernizing Oracle Forms applications and has received multiple awards for software innovation. This knowledge and skill has gone into the „Oracle Forms2APEX Live Experience Workshop‘‘ to ensure the perfect start for your Oracle Forms to APEX modernization.


With the PITSS products every migration succeeds – and that is what we stand for with our name! Our products allow such a precise estimation of the migration effort and such a deep penetration of your application that we can offer you a success guarantee! Where else can you find that?

Individual consulting
for the modernization of your software

Ask without obligation

Your contact

Sacha Sander
VP Global Sales