Don't Stand Still.

Why Organizations are Future-Proofing Their Legacy Software

If I told you your company has a significant vulnerability, one that could paralyze or even destroy it if left unaddressed, you’d want to know what it is, right?

However, there’s a good chance that this vulnerability may currently be something your business thinks of as a major strength: your company relies on legacy software for its most crucial business processes.

Why does this matter?

If your applications fail, you could lose millions in revenue, weeks of development time, or the security and trust of your customers.

Legacy software modernization looms large on the market’s radar screen. In recent surveys, many users indicates they felt their existing legacy applications, particularly ERPs, were out of date and a large-scale modernization was planned or underway.

Recent research by Avanade shows that businesses that modernize their infrastructure can expect revenue to increase by an average of 14%. [Tweet this!]

Legacy Software Modernization Matters

Legacy modernization is not just single modernization; it involves all aspects of the business. This includes building a new engine that will render the business services needed to run a business from the inside out. The purpose is not to change the way that the business works, but to completely transform and improve the technology used.

It’s not so different from driving to work. You can drive a car or truck, but they will both get you to the same destination.

What is Legacy Software?

Legacy software is any software that performs a critical service but does so in a way that makes it obsolete. As the Internet evolved and took on the business world, much of the day-to-day operations companies relied on became irrelevant. Sometimes it happened by accident, but sometimes this happened because those companies just weren’t paying attention.

Although much of this architecture was mission critical, the systems were considered legacy practically overnight when they simply couldn’t do their essential jobs at the same level that other widespread forms of technology could.

Benefits of Modernizing Legacy Software

Undertaking a large application modernization project isn’t always easy. However, once you come out the other side, your business can experience the following benefits:

Improved User Productivity

Modernized user interfaces are more responsive, informative, productive, and provide a helpful experience for today’s workers. People still maintain that older interfaces are better for data entry, but workers aren’t just entering data any more. They need to be fast, flexible, and versatile, and so should their applications.

Adaptation to the Future

Applications need to provide trust and prove to existing and new customers or end-users that the application has a demonstrable, scalable future. Now, applications need the ability to add modern features and integrations such as email, video, voice, browsers, and more. It’s not enough that a business application only does one function; it needs to be built thinking forward.

Reduced Costs

Almost everybody under the age of 30 can handle a Windows-style interface. People under the age of 20 have been practically using them since childhood. Legacy application interfaces can mean decreased productivity and increased training costs, but modernized legacy software can dodge these issues.

Research also shows that updating your legacy systems, IT, and processes can reduce business operation costs by more than 13%! This is another big win on the horizon for your business.

Options for Legacy Software Modernization

So now you know what legacy software is and why it’s important to consider the future of your business-critical systems. But what can you do to ensure that your applications meet current and upcoming demands?

Cloud Migration

Cloud migration services help organizations who need to save their data more effectively. It will assist with moving data from one onsite computer to a cloud-based network. Cloud-based data storage is the perfect option for organizations who have to spend a lot of time, resources, and maintaining and securing their data.

Modernized Interfaces

Modernizing legacy software to new versions is more than a mere exercise in technology. In fact, web and mobile applications do not exist in isolation. These exist because they create value for an enterprise, establishing a connection with end users through their personal devices like smartphones, tablets, and mobile websites. Customers and end users wan

Mobile Friendliness

The goal of modernization of legacy software should be to deploy business services onto new production platforms to increase their market share. Your application should therefore be flexible enough to work on a variety of devices. By successfully modernizing your legacy software, you will greatly reduce the risks associated with new architecture and hardware, and expand your ability to reach new customers.

The worst thing you can do is stand still. We can help you identify the opportunities for legacy application modernization within your organization. Contact us today.

Meet our team to see how we can transform the systems that matter most to your business.