Jan 8, 2021 | Database, Forms, PITSS.CON
(Updated November 29, 2023) There are currently several different releases of Oracle Database available from long term releases to innovation releases (temporary releases which contain new enhancements and features which will be present in the next long term release)....Mar 19, 2015 | Database, Resolve Issues
There is a known issue where the DB Admin Console is unable to start (either with the Windows Service in Windows or with emctl start dbconsole in other OS platforms) due to the following error: “Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control …The...Mar 10, 2015 | Database, Install / Config, Resolve Issues
By default in every Oracle Database, you can have up to 200 total data files (.DBF files) in each Oracle Database instance as indicated by the value of the parameter “db_files” (you can check the value by running “show parameter db_files” in your database. If you need...Sep 13, 2013 | Database, Install / Config, Windows
Oracle Database 11gR2 Prerequisites for Windows 1. Minimum System Requirements 1.1. Oracle Supported DB Platforms (32-bit): 1.1.1. Windows XP 1.1.2. Windows 7 1.1.3. Windows Server 2003 1.1.4. Windows Server 2003 R2 1.1.5. Windows Server 2008 1.2. Oracle...May 6, 2013 | Database, Install / Config, Unix / Linux
Oracle Database 11gR2 Setup Prerequisites for IBM AIX on POWER Systems 1. Minimum System Requirements 1.1. Oracle Supported DB Platforms: 1.1.1. Version 5.3 UL 9+ 1.1.2. Version 6.1 UL2+ 1.1.3. Version 7.1 UL0+ 1.2. *RAM: 2 GB+ (8 GB+ for production...