Jan 17, 2013 | Forms, Install / Config
The jpi_codebase parameter in formsweb.cfg is the parameter which specifies which Java runtime that Forms uses when running Forms for the first time. By default, the parameter is only set in the default section and is set to...Dec 21, 2012 | Development, Forms, Install / Config, PITSS.CON, Reports, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
Oracle Forms and Reports is the first patchset release for Oracle Forms and Reports 11gR2. However, this is not the most current release of Oracle Forms and Reports. Oracle Forms and Reports (12c) is currently the most up-to-date version. It is...Dec 20, 2012 | Forms, Install / Config, Reports, Unix / Linux, WebLogic
Oracle WebLogic and Forms 11gR2 Setup Prerequisites for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit) 1. Minimum System Requirements 1.1. Supported Operating Systems: 1.1.1. Version 6.1 UL7+ 1.1.2. Version 7.1 UL1+ 1.2. *RAM: 8GB+ 1.3. HDD Partitioning: *Software...Dec 20, 2012 | Forms, Install / Config, Reports, Unix / Linux, WebLogic
Oracle WebLogic and Forms 11gR2 Setup Prerequisites for Solaris 1. Minimum System Requirements 1.1. Supported Solaris Platform: 1.1.1. Solaris 10 64-bit Update 9+ 1.1.2. Solaris 10 SPARC Update 9+ 1.1.3. Solaris 11 64-bit: All levels supported 1.1.4. Solaris 11...Oct 26, 2012 | Forms, Reports, Resolve Issues
Problem: There was a form where it would generate around 100 PDF reports on the server. Every once in a while, the form would suddenly crash or hang after a certain number of PDFs were generated. Resolution: The problem can occur if there are either too little reports...