Apr 11, 2013 | Development, Forms, Resolve Issues, Windows
There have been many cases where attempting to run a form from Forms Builder (purposes of debugging, testing, etc.) will never load the form in the web browser. The page seems to load indefinitely. The URL in the web browser appears to be strange, e.g....Mar 8, 2013 | ADF / JDeveloper, Development
If you are new to JDeveloper and ADF, then it is recommend to read the book, “Quick Start Guide to Oracle Fusion Development: Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle ADF” http://www.amazon.com/Quick-Start-Oracle-Fusion-Development/dp/0071744282. It covers all of the basic...Feb 20, 2013 | Development, Forms, Install / Config, PITSS.CON, Reports, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
How to Use Java 7 with Oracle Forms 11g in an Oracle-Supported Environment In recent weeks, Oracle continues to find new security vulnerabilities with each version of Java (JDK, JRE, etc.). Each new JDK/JRE release contains new patches which patch any possible...Dec 21, 2012 | Development, Forms, Install / Config, PITSS.CON, Reports, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
Oracle Forms and Reports is the first patchset release for Oracle Forms and Reports 11gR2. However, this is not the most current release of Oracle Forms and Reports. Oracle Forms and Reports (12c) is currently the most up-to-date version. It is...Oct 11, 2012 | Development, Forms, Install / Config, WebLogic
Rules for deploying jar files for Forms Icons: Icons should be of the following dimensions: 17×17 or 16×16 pixels. GIFs should be used for icon files. Any GIFs manually uploaded to “$ORACLE_HOME/forms/java” will be used over any jar files...