The following steps will need to be performed to configure a BLOB destination for Oracle Reports (the steps below will show how this can be deployed for the standalone reports server):

1. Download the BLOBDestination11g.jar from My Oracle Support Doc ID 1151455.1. You must have a support account to be able to log into My Oracle Support and to download files from there.

2. Once downloaded, copy it to %ORACLE_HOME%\reports\jlib ($ORACLE_HOME/reports/jlib in Unix).

3. Update the REPORTS_CLASSPATH environment variable:

a. Windows: This can be configured in the registry (make a backup of the registry first). Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OH######## (it will be the subkey which contains entries such as FORMS_PATH. Once you locate the REPORTS_CLASSPATH variable, add the following to the end of the value of the environment variable:

;%ORACLE_HOME%\reports\jlib\BLOBDestination11g.jar (NOTE: The full path should be written out.)


b. Unix: Open up $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/reports/bin/ (make a backup first). Inside the file, locate REPORTS_CLASSPATH. Toward the end of the entries for REPORTS_CLASSPATH, please add the following:

:$ORACLE_HOME/reports/jlib/BLOBDestination11g.jar (NOTE: The full path should be written out.)


Save and close the file.

4. Log into EM. Expand “Reports” and right-click on your standalone reports server name (RptSvr…). Go to Reports –> Advanced Configuration.

5. Near the bottom, you will see a section for “Reports Pluggable Destinations”. In the line “Add a New Destination”, type in the following information:

Name: BLOBDestination

Class: oracle.reports.plugin.destination.blob.BLOBDestination


6. Click “Add Destination”.

7. Click “Apply” to save the changes.

8. Restart the standalone reports server using either EM or OPMN.

After applying the steps above, you should be able to use BLOB objects with Oracle Reports in your environment.

Sources: Oracle Support note 1151455.1 (contains information also for configuring the BLOB destination for the in-process reports server) and