Problem: There was a form where it would generate around 100 PDF reports on the server. Every once in a while, the form would suddenly crash or hang after a certain number of PDFs were generated.

Resolution: The problem can occur if there are either too little reports server engines or if there is not enough JVM memory being dedicated to the reports server. If you notice that you have configured rwserver.conf to have a maximum of 2 reports server engines, it is recommended to add 2 more reports server engines to the maximum. Make sure to restart the reports server after making any changes in rwserver.conf (always make a backup first). If that does not work, you can also increase the Xms and Xmx values in the jvmOptions parameter in rwserver.conf.

Also, it is recommended to have the Job Retries parameter set to 3 instead of the default value of 0. This value can either be set in Enterprise Manager in the Advance Configuration section for the report server you wish to use or in the <job retry=”#” jobType=”report” engineId=”rwEng”/> parameter in the rwserver.conf file pertaining to the report server you wish to use. NOTE: If you make any changes to the retry parameter, the reports server will need to be restarted (the standalone report server in OPMN if using the standalone reports server or WLS_REPORTS if using the in-process reports server).