Oracle Access Manager 11g Prerequisites for Windows

1.     Minimum System Requirements

1.1.    Supported Operating Systems

1.1.1. Windows Server 2008 SP2+ (32-bit and 64-bit)

1.1.2. Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit only)

1.2.    *RAM: 8 GB+

1.3.    Virtual Memory: 8GB+

1.4.    HDD Space: At least 70-80GB of free space for the installation directory/drive where you want Oracle Access Manager 11g Installed (If Oracle Forms will be on the same server, an additional 50GB of free space will be required)

1.5.    The operating system user that is used for the installation must have Administrative privileges on the machine and “Full Access” to the file system directory where 11g WebLogic and Oracle Access Manager will be installed.

1.6.    IPv6 must be disabled on your network adapter before OAM can be installed. IPv6 is not supported with OAM.

 *RAM and File System Mount Specifications: For production systems, please consult PITSS or Oracle on sizing recommendations. The amount of RAM, HDD Space for SWAP and Software Mounts will vary depending on end-user usage and application characteristics. Also, if Oracle Forms will be installed on the same server, 16 GB+ RAM will be required.

2.     Software Requirements

2.1.    Java JDK 1.7.0_17 (or latest version of Java JDK 7)

2.1.1. Go to

2.1.2. Click on “jdk-7u17-windows-i586.exe” for 32-bit and “jdk-7u17-windows-x64.exe” for 64-bit.

NOTE: This is the page to download the latest JDK version.


NOTE: Java JDK  1.7.0_7 is the minimum required for OAM if using Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6, but we recommend the latest version of JDK (1.7.0_17+) as it is more current and contains critical security updates.

2.2.    Database Requirements

A separate Database for Oracle Access Manager 11g will be needed to store the OAM and OID schemas.

2.2.1. Database 11gR2 is recommended for Oracle Access Manager 11g

2.2.2. We’ll need a database user with DBA privileges accessible.

2.2.3. The file tnsnames.ora containing the SID of the database will need to be placed in the server/client in the same location as the other prerequisites.

2.2.4. Database Character Set: AL32UTF8

2.2.5. Database Parameter Requirements:

·         ag_tm_rpcoesses >= 1

·         db_cache_size >=144M

·         java_pool_size >= 120M

·         shared_pool_size >= 175M

·         open_cursors >= 500

·         db_block_size: 8KB

·         processes >= 500

·         pga_aggregate_target >= 96M

2.3.    WebLogic 10.3.6

2.3.1. Can be downloaded from:

2.3.2. After accepting the license agreement, scroll down to Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6. Do NOT install 12c. You will see a plus box next to “Oracle Weblogic Server 10.3.6”. Click the plus box next to “See all files” and more options will be available.


2.3.3. The “Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.6) + Coherence Package Installer” is the recommended installer of choice.

2.3.4. Please download the file that corresponds to your system OS.  For 64-bit Windows Installations, the “Generic” Installer will need to be downloaded.


2.4.    Oracle Identity and Access Management

2.4.1. Can be downloaded from:

After accepting the license agreement, please download the setup files that correspond to your system OS.


2.5.    Oracle Identity Management

2.5.1. Can be downloaded from:
After accepting the license agreement, please download the setup file that pertains to your operating system.


2.6.    Repository Creation Utility

2.6.1. Can be downloaded from:

2.6.2. Scroll down until you see “Required Additional Software”. In this section, it will show download links for the Repository Creation Utility NOTE: We will not be installing Oracle Business Intelligence 11g.

2.6.3. After accepting the license agreement, please download the setup files that correspond to your system OS.


2.7.    Oracle WebTier Utilities

2.7.1. Can be downloaded from:

Please download the setup files that correspond to your system OS.


2.8.    Oracle Access Manager WebGates

2.8.1. Can be downloaded from:

After accepting the license agreement, please download the setup files that correspond to your system OS.


If you have any questions with the Oracle Access Manager 11g prerequisites, please contact PITSS.