If you try to log into PITSS.CON in Windows and you are unable to log in (not being able to go beyond the login screen) despite the fact you entered the correct credentials and the correct database, you should check to see if the TNS Listener is currently running.

1. Test to see if you can ping your database by using the tnsping command in Command Prompt (cmd.exe).


If you receive the message “TNS-12541: TNS:no listener” or anything similar, then your database listener is currently stopped.


2. To turn on your TNS Listener, go to the Control Panel –> Administrative Tools –> Services



3. Locate the TNS Listener associated with your database as shown here. Once you find it, click “Start” where it says “Start the service”. Notice how the word “Started” isn’t currently stated for the TNS Listener.


When the TNS Listener has started, you should see the screen below:


4. Test to see if you can ping your database again using tnsping inside Command Prompt.


As you can see above, we were able to successfully reach the database!

5. You should now be able to log into PITSS.CON. If you reach the main menu after logging in as shown below, the TNS Listener is running and PITSS.CON can communicate with the database.
