When moving PITSS.CON from one database to another, if you encounter the error where it fails to insert into MIG_PITSSCON_USERS or PITSSCON_USERS, check the MIG install log located in C:\pitsscon\log or C:\pitsscon\mig\log. If you see the following error at the end of the log file:

ORA-04063: package body “MIG.PAC_IN” has errors

The MIG user being installed does not have the proper permissions to set up the PITSS.CON administrator in the database. To fix this problem, the following grants will need to be granted to PUBLIC in the database as a SYSDBA user:

  • grant execute on DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT to PUBLIC;
  • grant execute on DBMS_OUTPUT to PUBLIC;
  • grant execute on DBMS_STATS to PUBLIC;
  • grant execute on DBMS_JAVA to PUBLIC;
  • grant execute on DBMS_SQL to PUBLIC;
  • grant execute on DBMS_LOB to PUBLIC;

Once these grants are set up in the database, re-try the PITSS.CON database move, and it should work successfully.