In Linux installations of PITSS.CON, users sometimes may not be able to log in due to the following error:
However, the PITSS user was installed on the same machine where PITSS.CON was installed. This has happened to some Linux installations. To overcome this error, you will need to do the following:

  1. Go to where the Setup_8.0.4.2_Linux folder is (inside the pitss folder).
  2. Inside, go to Setup_8.0.4.2_Linux/setup_11g/
  3. Run ./assign_user (make sure assign_user has 744 permissions)
  4. On the Welcome window that appears, click Next.
  5. Log in with the following credentials and click Connect:
    • Username: MIG (already entered for you)
    • Password: MIG (unless MIG password was changed)
    • Database: PITSS.CON_DB_SID
  6. On the next window, choose the PITSS.CON user who you wish to assign.
  7. Uncheck “Install PITSS.CON Server Environment” if it isn’t already
  8. Make sure the “Create User’s Folders” check box is checked and says “$PATH_TO_PITSSCON_DIRECTORY/pitsscon/users/name_of_pitss_user”. If that path is not there, place that in there.
  9. Click “Assign”
  10. Once the assignment is complete, click “Finish”
  11. Run in $PATH_TO_PITSSCON_DIRECTORY/pitsscon/users/name_of_pitss_user

90% of the time, that should do the trick. In very rare cases, this may not do the trick. If that is the case, as the root user, make sure that the following files have 777 permissions:

  • /usr/lib/AutoVol.dll
  • /usr/lib/PitssFileDialog.dll
  • /usr/lib/pitss_vc.dll
  • /usr/lib/statistics.dll
  • /etc/oracle_[long_string].cfg

Also, make sure there are 744 permissions for the e11g directory for each PITSS user as well as every file inside e11g for each PITSS user.

NOTE: New installations of PITSS.CON are not recommended in Linux. PITSS.CON should be installed in a Windows environment.