In most Linux environments, forms compiling can only be done via command line (without the use of Forms Builder or Forms Compiler). When trying to compile modules using and you receive the following error:
“FRM-91500: Unable to start/complete the build”
Some environment variables will need to be set in the shell environment or bash profile:

  • ORACLE_TERM must be set to vt220
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH (found in default.env) must be set
  • LD_PRELOAD (found in default.env) must be set
  • PATH must have $ORACLE_HOME/bin included NOTE: The $ORACLE_HOME directory should be written out in full
  • TERM should be set to either ‘xterm’ or ‘vt220’
  • ORACLE_INSTANCE (found in default.env) should be set
  • ORACLE_HOME (found in default.env) should be set

NOTE: You should also have FORMS_PATH set in the shell unless it is set in a compile script you run to compile.
After the environment variables are set (in the shell if you plan to use a compile command or in a compile script you wish to run to compile), you should be able to compile modules.
NOTE: Make sure you are compiling with “”. If you use “frmcmp”, you will need an X Window such as VNC running as well as to set the DISPLAY variable to the VNC listen address!