Competitive advantages through web services
SV Informatik manages powerful, heterogeneous system landscapes and applications of SV SparkassenVersicherung and is responsible for the technically innovative implementation of new requirements from the specialist departments. For the internal and external sales force, SV SparkassenVersicherung and its association partners have an interlocked IT mix of Oracle DB 12c, SAP modules, the standard insurance solution ICIS and customer-specific Oracle Forms 11g, Java and other Oracle-based applications.
SV Informatik is currently implementing essential modernization projects to provide even better support for the business processes of SV SparkassenVersicherung with innovative IT. To this end, the company is increasingly relying on web services that enable interfaces to external services from third-party providers, such as lightning and storm queries from a weather service in the event of a loss investigation. However, integrating web services into the existing application carries risks if the effects of system changes are not known or taken into account. Performance problems and functional failures could be the result, with the consequence of difficult and lengthy remediation.