f.l.t.r.: Andreas Gaede (CEO PITSS), Edher Diaz (PITSS), Prof. Manfred Reichert (Head of Institute Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), University Ulm), Stephan La Rocca (PITSS), Lisa Arnold, Marius Breitmayer (both University Ulm).
Stuttgart 02/28/2024 – On February 22, 2024, PITSS, one of the leading modernization experts for Oracle applications, hosted a meeting of the project partners of ProcMAPE (Data-driven adaptations of process-oriented software systems through monitoring, analysis, planning and implementation). Professor Manfred Reichert from the Institute for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) at the University of Ulm and two of his team members discussed the BMBF-funded project in detail with the PITSS experts.
The innovative ProcMAPE project, funded by the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), involves the development of a MAPE (Monitor, Analyze, Plan and Execute) framework for the data-driven adaptation of object-centric processes in software systems. Prof. Manfred Reichert and his two research assistants Lisa Arnold and Marius Breitmayer, as well as PITSS project manager Stephan La Rocca and his colleague Edher Diaz, were involved in the exchange on the project.
The aim of the “ProcMAPE” project is to enable (partially) autonomous, data-driven adaptations of object-centered processes in software systems.
The expert panel discussed the current project status, further project requirements and ideas for achieving the objectives and the possibility of working with LLM and AI in future projects. Project manager Stephan La Rocca was very satisfied with the project status: “We are already recording all interactions with a system for monitoring, from the user interface to the database transaction. In the next step, we will focus on the possibilities of AI for analyzing the recorded events.” All project participants agreed on the importance of personal exchange, even in such highly innovative projects.
Further information on the ProcMAPE project:
Stephan La Rocca
ProcMAPE Projektleiter
E-Mail: slarocca@pitss.com