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Reports2Jasper Modeler –
The product for migration
from Oracle Reports
to Jasper Reports

For all who want to successfully master
the necessary Oracle Reports replacement

Generate Jasper Reports quickly, efficiently & error-free
with the Reports2Jasper Modeler

Pole Position

Optimally prepare your legacy application for migration with the Reports2Jasper Modeler: All relevant program elements are documented and technical debts are eliminated.

Successful migration

The Reports2Jasper Modeler is used to define the target architecture, create templates and styles, harmonize layouts to conform to CD, apply best practices, and transform the entire application to Jasper Reports.

Completed migration

The Reports2Jasper Modeler finalizes the migration with the recording of reports, the creation of comprehensive test data, the integration of version and project management tools such as GIT and Jira.

Migrate easily from Oracle Reports to
Jasper Reports with product

The Reports2Jasper Modeler takes care of the optimal preparation

A clear and cleaned Oracle Reports legacy application is much easier and faster to migrate to Jasper Reports.

The product guides you through the successful migration

We load your Oracle Reports and individual specifications into the Reports2Jasper Modeler and receive your desired Jasper Reports application after a final fine-tuning.

The Features at a glance

  • Capture ALL Reports programs and objects in an application
  • Cleanup of technical debts
  • Optimization of the target architecture
  • Harmonization of the layout to a uniform CD
  • Use of templates, styles, subreports as best practices
  • Reports recording & test data
  • Integration of modern tools like GIT and Jira

The Reports2Jasper Modeler is the booster
for the migration to Jasper Reports

Get there faster with the Reports2Jasper Modeler

Get the Reports2Jasper Modeler for
your migration from Oracle Reports to Jasper Reports

No matter where you are – we will guide you to the right step

  • Cost control
  • Intelligent startup
  • Performant
  • Scalable

  • Solid, proven, durable
  • Full support
  • Full control
  • Compliant

Individual consulting
for the modernization of your software

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Your contact

Sacha Sander
VP Global Sales