PITSS Tech Blog
News zu Java, PL/SQL, Entwicklung & Technologiewechsel
Modernisierungen in ADF im Fokus
Die Vorbereitungen im Consulting laufen auf Hochtouren für die zwei Tage rund um Modernisierungsprojekte in Richtung Oracle ADF (Application Development Framework). All die Diskussionen, die wir in den Projekten der letzten Jahre erlebt, wahrgenommen, begleitet und...
Useful Resources for ADF Beginners
Autumn is coming and its time to get some lecture for the cold days that are ahead – at least thats what I did to get to know ADF. So in this post I would like to give you some recommendations if you also plan to learn ADF. Since I am new to ADF I […]
From Forms Legacy systems to SOA Suite 12c and Mobile
Introduction In modern application development it is propagated to use webservices and even use certain tools like the Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Service Bus to manage and orchestrate webservices in a central environment or to enable service abstraction. But many Oracle Forms developers find it hard to use these methods in their application and […]
From Forms Legacy systems to SOA Suite 12c and MAF
Introduction In modern application development it is propagated to use webservices and even use certain tools like the Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Service Bus to manage and orchestrate webservices in a central environment or to enable service abstraction. But … Continue reading →
Oracle Support document 367778.1 provides a great document explaining how auto-downloading a JRE can be done from Oracle Application Server 10g. The same procedure can also be performed for Oracle Forms 11g (and 11gR2) using Oracle WebLogic Server. In our … Continue reading →
Minimizing Quality Risks
The Quality Analysis at a glance The PITSS Quality Analysis builds upon the Status Quo Analysis. With the Quality Analysis you receive a detailed insight into the results of the Status Quo Analysis. You are given differentiated metrics based on … Continue reading →
PITSS-UK Oracle Forms Orientation Day
On May 6th Pitss hosted the Oracel Forms Orientation Day. It was a very successful Event with over 30 participants. The first topic we talked about Oracle Forms Soucecode Quality and how to Analyse, Measure and Monitor it. It is … Continue reading →
PITSS-UK Oracle Forms Orientation Day
On May 6th Pitss hosted the Oracel Forms Orientation Day. It was a very successful Event with over 30 participants. The first topic we talked about Oracle Forms Soucecode Quality and how to Analyse, Measure and Monitor it. It is … Continue reading →
Oracle Forms – Product Statement of Direction
Das Oracle Forms Product Statement of Direction wurde diese Woche angepasst. Unter anderem wurden die Links auf der Oracle Forms Produktseite aufgeräumt: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/forms/overview/index.html Außerdem wurde das Product Statement...
Die Wartezeit ist zu Ende – APEX 5.0 ist da!!!
Lange haben wir drauf gewartet und uns ausgiebig mit den Preview-Versionen von APEX 5.0 beschäftig. Heute ist es nun so weit: Oracle hat Application Express 5.0 auf seiner Homepage veröffentlicht. Zu den Higlights zählen sicherlich der komplett überarbeite Page...