PITSS.CON 18 ist da und so innovativ wie noch nie

Dank einzigartiger Neuerungen jetzt noch effizienter migrieren: Oracle Form, Reports, ADF, APEX, Datenbanken

Das neue PITSS.CON 18 Release ist da! Die aktuelle PITSS.CON-Version beinhaltet zahlreiche Innovationen und Best Practices aus Kundenprojekten. Wir haben z. B. die ADF-Generierung mit dem ADF-Assistant weiter ausgebaut, die Analysefähigkeiten für Oracle APEX und User Stories erhöht und Balsamiq-Mockups für eine ausgezeichnete User Experience integriert.   

Sichern Sie sich mehr Effizienz in der Modernisierung und dem Managen von Oracle Applikationen mit PITSS.CON 18!

Das ist neu in PITSS.CON 18.1:


Attraktive User Experience (UX) dank Balsamiq Mockups

Entwürfe werden vollautomatisch aus PITSS.CON generiert – einfach per Drag & Drop-Oberfläche und Spezifikationen mit den Anwendern designen und dann mit PITSS.CON umsetzen lassen. Oracle Forms-, ADF- und APEX-Oberflächen werden so schnell nach den Kundenwünschen (re)designt und technisch verwirklicht.

Geschäftsprozesse und User Stories noch transparenter

Detailliertere Informationen über Daten, Prozesse, Abhängigkeiten, Architektur und Ereignisse der laufenden Produktivumgebung sowie eine größere Palette von Analyseberichten. Manager und Techniker können Vorgänge besser verstehen und bewerten – selbst wenn sie nicht in den Entwicklungsprozess involviert sind.

Data Governance Features

Features gemäß den hohen Anforderungen an die Datensicherheit und Datenschutzrichtlinien der europäischen Datenschutzgrundverordnung (EU-DSGVO). Durch die Möglichkeit zur Protokollierung der Datenverarbeitung ist PITSS.CON 18 in der Lage aufzuzeigen, welche externen Programme Zugriff auf personenbezogene Daten aus Ihrem Datenmodell haben. Damit ermöglicht unser Tool die korrekte Umsetzung der EU-DSGVO – so stressfrei und einfach wie nur möglich.

Neue Modernisierungs-Funktionalitäten

Neue Funktionalitäten für Oracle Modernisierungsprojekte:

  • Module Summary Graph
  • Parser Extensions
  • Naviation Flow Analysis
  • Higher Repository Loading Performance

Das Leistungsspektrum von PITSS.CON im Überblick:


Technische Details zu PITSS.CON Version 18.1:

Developer Notes PITSS.CON 18.1


DB Handling

Support for APEX 5 applications
APEX 5 applications can be loaded now to the PITSS.CON repository.

Support for database objects accessed through DB Links
If an application accesses database objects through a DB Link, these can be uploaded now into PITSS.CON as well.

Application Analysis

Application Analysis

Module summary for Oracle Reports
The module summary functionality is now also available for Oracle Reports, calculating the dependencies between the Oracle Reports objects and the related database tables/ views and program units, and displaying these dependencies in graphical diagrams.

Parser Extensions
Additional objects and expressions are now supported, such as „FOR UPDATE *“, Block labels „<<..>>“, ‚&‘ bind character in Reports queries, etc.

Application Engineering

Systems Analysis

Forms Flow Analysis including Oracle Reports
Two new navigation built-ins are now additionally tracked for generating the forms and reports flow analysis: run_product and run_report_object. This will allow navigation flow diagrams to include Oracle Reports objects, a feature extremely necessary in Oracle Reports migration projects.

User Stories

Logging for end of program units
The injection has been enhanced to create log entries not only when starting a program unit, but also whenever the algorithm finishes to execute the particular program unit, before the end, raise or return statement.

Logging for primary key values in Forms table-based blocks
The values of the primary key field of a table based Forms block can now also be logged. This allows complex analysis to be performed, tracking the data flow throughout the application.


ADF Assistant

Excluding objects from the migration
In most migrations there are particular Forms components such as Webutil program units and objects or deprecated components that do not need to be migrated to Oracle ADF. In such cases these objects can excluded from the migration by adding them to a pool and using the new „Exclude Objects from Pool“ option.

Migrating Forms non-DB block relations to ADF view links
In case a Forms block has relations defined for non-database table items and there is no association for the given master-detail relation, the ADF Assistant migration will generate a  view link.

Optional generation of the non DB items in backing bean
The attributes/ bindings for UI components used in conjunction with the PL/SQL2Java translation can be excluded from the migration, if necessary, by setting the new migration flag „UI – Generate Non-DB Items in Backing Bean“ to „No“ (the default value is „Yes“).

MANIFEST.MF generation settings
A new parameter has been added to control the generation of MANIFEST.MF in the User Interface project, for example at application level or for each View Controller project.

Balsamiq Mockup generator
The mockup generator is available for any Oracle Forms module. It creates Balsamiq mockup files for each canvas in the Forms module. These generated files can be imported and further processed with Balsamiq.

Source Control

Source Control

Notification for files not completely checked into Source Control
In some situations, for example when the browser is closed or some network/ hardware error occurs before a file is completely checked into Source Control, the file upload may not be completed correctly. In these cases the user will be notified during the next Source Control sessions to rollback the file upload process and re-check-in the file.

Text file preview for further file extensions
Further extensions have been added to the list of files considered by Source Control as text. By double-clicking these files in the file list, a text viewer is opened for previewing the file content.

Setup & Administration


Flexible PITSS.CON administration database user name
The name for the database user of the PITSS.CON administrator has been restricted in previous PITSS.CON version to ‚MIG‘. Starting this version, any Oracle-accepted string can be defined as the PITSS.CON administrator name.

Support for passwords exceeding 13 characters and containing lowercase characters
Password strings longer than 13 characters are supported again. Lowercase characters are allowed.

Bug Fixes PITSS.CON 18.1


Module Handling
PIPDPC-2331     Incomplete loading of Oracle Reports
PIPDPC-2404     Loading performance for Oracle Reports

PIPDPC-2180     ASCII Report output truncated
PIPDPC-2312     Code Formatter for Menu Command Types <Null> and <Menu>

Application Analysis

PIPDPC-1974     Application Analysis – View dependent objects for Package-Specification
PIPDPC-1997/2334/2348/2381   Module Summary – Restricted graph characters: #, „““
PIPDPC-2376     Application Dependencies – ‚X‘  DB node in the dependent objects tree

Application Engineering

PIPDPC-1961     Business Logic Assistant – Changed internal function declaration
PIPDPC-2303     Use Case Injection special character $ in 12c
PIPDPC-2304     User Stories – Correct position for procedure variable
PIPDPC-2320     Systems Analysis – Flow calculation after updating to 16.2


PIPDPC-1991/2006/2424/2426   APEX Assistant  – Various migration errors corrected
PIPDPC-2258     ADF Assistant XML Overview – Workaround for dbms_xmldom issues
PIPDPC-2427/2428/2429/2430   APEX Assistant  – no entries displayed in the debug page

Source Code Analytics

PIPDPC-2015     SCA Modules Overview – show first 20 entries list selection not responding
PIPDPC-2239/2240/2330 Sorting consistent with table content in Module Summary Components and Code Metrics
PIPDPC-2333     Forms Consistency when the summarized item is in a different block

Setup & Administration

PIPDPC-2256     Multiple user upgrade correctly logging error in case of missing privileges

Source Control

PIPDPC-2030     Using Source Control with PITSS.CON after the 16.2 upgrade

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