From Forms Legacy systems to SOA Suite 12c and MAF

Introduction In modern application development it is propagated to use webservices and even use certain tools like the Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Service Bus to manage and orchestrate webservices in a central environment or to enable service abstraction. But many...

PITSS-UK Oracle Forms Orientation Day

On May 6th Pitss hosted the Oracel Forms Orientation Day. It was a very successful Event with over 30 participants. The first topic we talked about Oracle Forms Soucecode Quality and how to Analyse, Measure and Monitor it. It is important to know where I am, to plan...

PITSS.CON 15.1 New Features in Source Code Analytics

In das neue Release 15.1 von PITSS.CON sind diverse Neuerungen eingeflossen. Im Bereich der Source Code Analytics ist die größte Neuerung die Einführung der Snapshots. Diese bilden eine Historie der Qualitätsrelevanten Kennzahlen der einzelnen Komponenten der...