In Linux installations of PITSS.CON, there have been reports when developers have tried to load forms, menus, or libraries into PITSS.CON, they encounter the following error:
“Can not open context – Operation Failed!”

Can not open context Forms Load Error
In order to overcome the context error, you will need to make sure that:

  • VNC Server is running in the server. Most RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux) operating systems come with VNC Server which provide access to a GUI. Run the command “vncserver” and it will be listening on a certain address (example: hostname/IP_address:1).
  • In all .env files associated with PITSS.CON, make sure the DISPLAY variable is set to the same value set in vncserver (see step above for more information). Example: export DISPLAY=hostname:1.0
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD are set in the PITSS.CON related .env files.
  • NLS_LANG is not set in any of the PITSS.CON related .env files.

After applying any of the options above, restart your browser, log back into PITSS.CON, and you should be able to load modules using Module Handling.

If the problem still occurs or if you get the error, “Error on execute batch job…”, there are additional steps which you may run to resolve either error:

  1. As the root user, install both Xvfb and openmotif (the latter may already be installed).
  2. Start Xvfb: Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1280x1024x24 -fbdir /tmp -fp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/ 2>&1 &
  3. Add the following environment variable into pitsscon.env: DISPLAY=localhost:99.0
  4. In your terminal window, set the DISPLAY variable there too: export DISPLAY=localhost:99.0
  5. Add the display to openmotif: mwm -display localhost:99 -multiscreen &